Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Session 5: Reflection

This session gave me the opportunity to work with SPSS. With the help of this programme, we were abble to calculate the corbach alpha and paired sample T test from the raw data that we collected on the previous session. We were also taught how to read and intepret the data. I find this session exceptionally useful as I realise that data can be easily manipulated and should not be read at "face value".

In the later part of the day, Dr Quek also went through with us how to write and present our reseach paper. This is a good hands-on experience as it is the first time I'm learning how to write a research paper of my own. Writing the research paper was tough due to the time contraint and my own lack of experience. But with more time and practice I believe I'm able to do a better job the next time round. In fact, I'm looking forward to the new term when I will my department teachers on an action research. This will be a good opportunity for me to put what I have learnt to good use.

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