Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Session 4: Reflection

A very interesting session when we were given a chance to study some qualitative and quantitative studies done in Singapore. In our own groups we looked at the positive and negative aspects of the school's learning environment. I realise that a positive learning environment not only include an excellent physical environment, school leadership and school culture also play very inportant roles. A school will excel when the teachers are able to work well together and have a share vision. It is also important for leaders in schools to allow for freedom in decision making as this will give teachers a sense of ownership in initiatives and projects initiated by the school.

We also studied in detail the dimensions of SLEQ and I realized how the various dimensions of SLEQ are linked to Moos' schema. The session ended with all the participants in the class responding to WIHIC survey and we had a good hand-on session feeding the data into excel. I'm looking forward to the next session where we'll be using SPSS to tabulate and analyse our data.

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